session : 2023.3.1 wed. – 3.31 fri.
venue : JNBY Gallery
当時は毎日のように家の周りをふらふら散歩したり、自転車でいろいろ移動していたので、良い感じのする場所にしばしば出会い、その気に入った場所を経由する散歩コースを決めては、歩きか自転車で何度も通った。 そして散歩中に写真を撮り家に帰って風景画を描いた。ときには道中拾ったものをもとに小さい生き物 をつくったりもした。
Several years ago, I often drew landscapes of the Shinjuku area.
At that time, I took daily walks around my house in Shinjuku or bicycled to various places and often came across places that had a good feeling. I decided on a walking course via the place I liked and went there again and again, either on foot or by bicycle. I would then take pictures during my walks and return home to draw landscapes. Sometimes I created small creatures from things picked up along the way.